Evolve : Specialists in Construction and Property Consultancy

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Evolve : Services
Evolve : Procurement

Core Services

  • Procurement Management
  • Business Case Preparation
  • OJEU Process
  • Pre Qualification Preparation
  • Pre Qualification Scoring
  • Tender Preparation
  • Tender Scoring

The Evolve team have a wealth of experience on a vast array of procurement routes.

We regularly use all of the common forms of contract across the many projects we manage. In each case, we analyse the procurement route requirements of the client and the project prior to making our recommendation as to the most appropriate form.

There are a number of standard procurement routes that need early consideration when procuring a project, as well as consideration of the EU thresholds and procurement process when working within the Public Sector.
Procurement routes vary dependant on the amount of input required from the client, the experience required by the client, how soon there is a financial commitment, at what stage there is cost certainty and if it is necessary to overlap design / construction stages.

Evolve has all the expertise required to select the best possible procurement route for your project.