Evolve : Specialists in Construction and Property Consultancy

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Evolve : Services
Evolve : Health & Safety

Core Services

  • Evolve will carry out the following:
  • Bespoke initial online plan
  • Provide access to key team members
  • Raise queries with designers
  • Provide information to designers
  • Audit responses from designers
  • Carry out waste forecast
  • Upload information to bespoke SWMP
  • Respond to queries and discuss with the Principal Contractor
  • Carry out six monthly audit

The Client is responsible for the Site Waste Management Plan during the pre-construction stage this responsibility may be transferred to the principal contractor when construction commences.

Evolve has the expertise to help Clients with this crucial aspect and legal requirement of the pre-construction stage.

Evolve advise on appropriate purchase of materials can at this stage and advise where savings can be made.
Evolve’s expertise will also ensure developments incorporate principles of sustainability and are, therefore,
designed to facilitate effective techniques of construction and deconstruction for reuse and effective recycling.
For example, Evolve will fully investigate the following:

  • are there any existing buildings or hard surfaces on the site which could be re-used?
  • could the buildings be re-used in-situ?
  • could the waste materials be re-used elsewhere on the development?
  • can any excavated soil be re-used on the site, or if not, on another site nearby?
  • can the development be designed so that the following materials can be used (in order of preference): second-hand materials (such as second-hand tiles); recycled materials (such as reconstituted slate); renewable materials (such as wood from sustainable sources); or local materials?
  • can the development layout incorporate recycling facilities for future users of the site – such as collection facilities for glass, paper etc., and compost bins for green waste?