Evolve : Specialists in Construction and Property Consultancy

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Client: West Herts College
Project: Campus Redevelopment
Value: £40 million


The project involved three phases –

  • the Hempstead Road Site redevelopment
  • the Langley Skills Centre refurbishment
  • work at the Hemel Hempstead Site

However, before the above could begin, a major part of the project involved the demolition of the existing Hempstead Road site. The project also involved the construction of a new four storey which houses teaching facilities with a refectory, an atrium, and a street. The building also incorporates recording and broadcasting studios and it has its own Performance Block with theatre.

Services: Cost Management

Project Facts

  • Planning conditions –
    cost options
  • De-cant solutions / cost exercises
  • Value Engineering
  • Risk Management
  • Live VE workshops
  • Constant cost updates
  • Constant risk v opportunity updates
  • De-cant costing options